Tinsley, M. 2022. Commemorating Muslims in the First World War Centenary: Making Melancholia. Abingdon: Routledge. Peer-Reviewed Articles
Tinsley, M. 2022. "The Opposite of Nationalism? Rethinking Patriotism in US Political Discourse." Identities 29(6): 807-826. Tinsley, M. 2021. "Towards a Postcolonial Critical Realism." Critical Sociology 48(2): 235-250. Tinsley, M. 2020. "Revisiting Nostalgia: Imperialism, Anticolonialism, and Imagining Home." Ethnic and Racial Studies 43(13): 2327-2355. Tinsley, M. 2019. "Constructing and Contesting the Post-Apartheid State: Political Discourse and the Marikana Strike." Language, Discourse & Society. Tinsley, M. 2019. "Memory and Melancholia in the Garden of Tropical Agronomy." Memory Studies. Print forthcoming. Tinsley, M. 2019. “Decolonizing the Civic/Ethnic Binary.” Current Sociology 67(3):347-364. Tinsley, M. 2015. “Proclaiming Independence: Language and National Identity in Sékou Touré’s Guinea.” Postcolonial Studies 18(3):237-256. Tinsley, M. 2014. “We Will Re-Member Them: Muslims in the Great War Semi-Centenary.” Studies in Ethnicity and Nationalism 14(3):399-417. Other Academic Publications
Tinsley, M. 2023. "Empire." In Y. Gutman and J. Wustenberg (ed.s), The Routledge Handbook of Memory Activism. Abingdon: Routledge. Tinsley, M. 2023. "Review: Imperial Nostalgia: How the British Conquered Themselves, by Peter Mitchell." Ethnic & Racial Studies. Tinsley, M. 2022. "Review: Decolonizing Memory: Algeria and the Politics of Testimony, by Jill Jarvis." French History 36(1): 145-147. Tinsley, M. 2022. "The Radical Promise of Toponymy." In L. Malacart, Collaborative Toponymy. Habib, S., C. Peacock, R. Ramsden-Karelse, and M. Tinsley. 2021. "The Changing Shape of Cultural Activism: Legislating Statues in the Context of the Black Lives Matter Movement." Runnymede/CoDE. Tinsley, M. 2021. "Book Review: Sivamohan Valluvan, The Clamour of Nationalism: Race and Nation in Twenty-First-Century Britain." Sociology. Tinsley, M. 2020. "'To Mourn Together as a Nation': Representation and Erasure in Post-Marikana Political Discourse." Pp. 193-214 in Marikana Unresolved: The Massacre, Culpability, and Consequences, edited by M. Swart and Y. Rodny-Gumede. Cape Town: University of Cape Town Press. Tinsley, M. 2020. "Review: Race and the Cultural Industries." Social Movement Studies 19(1): 118-120. Tinsley, M. 2019. "Review: The Imperial Nation: Citizens and Subjects in the British, French, Spanish, and American Empires." EuropeNow 26. Tinsley, M. 2016. “War, Collective Memory, and Identity.” Wiley Blackwell Encyclopedia of Race, Ethnicity and Nationalism, edited by J. Stone, R.M. Dennis, P. Rizova, A.D. Smith, and X. Hou. Wiley-Blackwell. Tinsley, M. 2015. “The Polyphonous Classroom: Discourse on Language-in-Education on Reunion Island.” Pp. 203-212 in Writing through the Visual and Virtual: Inscribing Language, Literature, and Culture in Francophone Africa and the Caribbean, edited by O. Alidou and R. Larrier. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books. Tinsley, M. 2015. “Whose Colonialism? The Contested Memory of the Sykes-Picot Agreement.” Pp. 39-43 in Rethinking Nation and Nationalism. POMEPS Studies 14. Public Sociology
Tinsley, M. 2023. "Prince Harry is wrong: Unconscious bias is not different to racism." The Conversation 23 January. Tinsley, M. 2022. "Whiteness is an invented concept that has been used as a tool of oppression." The Conversation. 14 June. Tinsley, M. 2022. "Whiteness is at the heart of racism in Britain--so why is it portrayed as a Black problem?" The Conversation. 19 May. Tinsley, M. 2021. "Policing History." Fabian Review. Tinsley, M. 2021. "Statues, Street Names, and Contested Memory." Red Pepper. 10 February. Tinsley, M. 2020. "Do We Need a National Day of Mourning after the Coronavirus Pandemic?" The Conversation. 3 August. Tinsley, M. and N. Begum. 2020. "Clap for Our Heroes: 'Good' Migrants, Wartime Rhetoric, and COVID-19." Discover Society. 21 May. Tinsley, M. 2019. "Restoring a Cathedral, Erasing Empire: A Tale of Two Fires." Discover Society. 3 July. Tinsley, M. 2018. "Empire and the World War One Centenary: Remembrance as Racialisation?" Manchester Policy Blogs. 17 December. Tinsley, M. 2018. “Civil Rights and Voter Suppression in the U.S.” openDemocracy. 31 October. Tinsley, M. 2017. “Anti-Semitism Still Defines Marine Le Pen’s Front National.” Policy Trajectories. 6 May. Tinsley, M. 2016. “Marianne Musulmane: Burkini-Gate and French National Identity." Policy Trajectories. 29 September. Tinsley, M. 2016. "Before Brexit: Britain and its Others." Policy Trajectories. 1 July. Tinsley, M. 2015. “French Islam, French Islamophobia: The Aftermath of the Paris Attacks in Historical Perspective.” Policy Trajectories. 31 December. Tinsley, M. 2015. “ISIS’s Aversion to Sykes-Picot Tells Us Much About the Group’s Future Plans.” Muftah. 23 April. |